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Castle Party

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Castle Party Brand: DevirCategory: Board GamesLicense: DevirLanguage: PT, ENG, ESP, CAT, ITAAvailability:  Ready to ship Todos os anos, o Rei Abóbora nos convida para ir ao seu castelo para comemorar umfestival de outono em sua homenagem. Castle Party é a...
Type: Board Games
Vendor: Devir
Availability: 2 In stock Out of stock
Castle Party - Ventura GamesCastle Party - Ventura GamesCastle Party - Ventura Games

Castle Party

Brand: Devir
Category: Board Games
License: Devir
Language: PT, ENG, ESP, CAT, ITA
Availability:  Ready to ship

Todos os anos, o Rei Abóbora nos convida para ir ao seu castelo para comemorar um
festival de outono em sua homenagem.

Castle Party é a festa mais insana, e sem dúvida um evento imperdível para qualquer monstro do mundo dos pesadelos. Vocês definitivamente não vão querer perder! Este é um jogo do tipo “papel e caneta”, o que significa que pegaremos as cartas e depois desenharemos formas em um quadro branco.

O primeiro jogador revela uma carta com a forma nele, e cada jogador então coloca uma carta monstro nela até que todos juntos se transformem naquela forma.

Finalmente, de acordo com a posição do jogador na mesa, todos desenham símbolos
de monstros em seus quadros de castelos individuais, tentando agrupar os monstros
para obter o máximo de pontos.

83 cartas
04 lousas brancas
04 marcadores


Every year the Pumpkin King invites us to his castle to celebrate the autumn ball in his honor. Castle Party is the craziest shindig in town and without a doubt the most not to be missed soiree for any monster worth something in scarebusiness. You can’t miss it for the world! The guests are arriving at the castle of the Pumpkin King. As usual, they gather together in groups.

This is a “flip and write” game, meaning we draw cards and then write on a board. The active player turns over a card with a polynomial shape and then everybody places a monster card on the table in the attempt to match the shape on the card. Finally, and in correspondence with their own place around the table and their perspective on the shape, the players draw the monsters on their own personal boards and try to group the monsters into families to obtain the best score.

Castle Party has three scoring phases during which the players get points depending on how they have arranged their guests. When the old cuckoo clock plays for the third and terrifying time. At that moment everyone has to say goodbye until next year and leave the party. However, whoever organized the wildest and most fun Castle Party will win a special place in the Pumpkin King’s heart and shall win the game.